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MP3 Player

Play different MP3 playlists

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With this mini-app, you can offer your users a unique experience by providing carefully curated playlists. These playlists feature a draggable MP3 player popup equipped with audio controls, making it easy for users to navigate. This mini-app is particularly useful for children’s ebooks or ebooks with narration that must be listened to in a particular order. You can customize the different playlists you create in any way you want.


  • Allow your users to listen to your different playlists appearing in the form of a draggable MP3 player popup with audio controls.
  • Create various playlists of up to 30 MP3 files.
  • Have your readers enjoy the audio playing the background as they can minimize and maxime the app at anytime.
  • Customize the MP3 Player app by changing the background image, icon, title, playlists titles and playback speed.


Customizing this Mini-app

For each mini-app that you add, you may create and select different customizations, that will make this mini-app act differently. Through customizations you may also choose different styles, like a different background color or image.

You can do all the customization from the browser or from within Kotobee Author. For more details on how to do it, please visit this support article.


The MP3 encoding used must be web-friendly. File extension must be .mp3 Maximum number of files to be uploaded is 30 files Maximum size per file is 10mb

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Customize your Mini-app

For each mini-app that you add, you may create and select different customizations, that will make this mini-app act and look differently.

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