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Currency Converter

Convert between different foreign currencies

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With this convenient mini-app, your users can seamlessly convert values between over 160 foreign currencies, using the most recent daily exchange rates. Additionally, it keeps users informed about the latest exchange rate fluctuations. This tool is especially beneficial for individuals working on ebooks related to foreign countries or finance, providing real-time data for accurate and up-to-date information.


  • Convert between more than 160 different foreign currencies using the latest daily exchange rates.
  • Help your readers to stay up to date with the latest exchange rates.
  • Customize the Currency Converter app by changing the background image, icon, title and description.


Customizing this Mini-app

For each mini-app that you add, you may create and select different customizations, that will make this mini-app act differently. Through customizations you may also choose different styles, like a different background color or image.

You can do all the customization from the browser or from within Kotobee Author. For more details on how to do it, please visit this support article.


At least a free account at https://www.currencyconverterapi.com

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Customize your Mini-app

For each mini-app that you add, you may create and select different customizations, that will make this mini-app act and look differently.

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